Location: Riches-Claires - organ description
Teachers/Speakers: Luc Ponet, Krzysztof Urbaniak and Juan-Maria Pedrero
A distinctive feature of the repertoire found in organ tablatures from the end of the 16th and throughout the 17th century is the prevalence of intabulations — instrumental transcriptions of both sacred and secular vocal music. The practice of adapting and playing polyphonic works on the keyboard is considered by Tomás de Santa María (ca. 1510 – 1570) as “the origin and source from which all fruits and benefits are born and come, and all the art of playing”. It is also closely related to the art of ornamented variation using glosas or diminutions.
In this masterclass, Luc Ponet, Krzysztof Urbaniak, and Juan-Maria Pedrero will lead a discussion on interpreting these pieces. They will focus on this procedure of transcription and performance, through the information provided by the treatises and the music itself, as reflected in manuscripts from Eastern Europe to Spain, passing through Tongeren, and comparing it with the original vocal versions.
Repertoire to prepare by the students:
- North-German intabulations of the 17th century
- Intabulations of Lassus and his contemporaries (late 16th century and first half of the 17th century), preferably by composers from the Prince-Bishopric of Liège or the Low Countries.
- Gonzalo de BAENA (ca. 1480 – a. 1540) Arte novamente inventada pera aprender a tãger (Lisboa, 1540)
- Antonio de CABEZÓN (1510 – 1566) Obras de Música para tecla, arpa y vihuela (Madrid, 1578)
- Francisco FERNÁNDEZ PALERO (ca. 1533 – 1597) Libro de Cifra Nueva para tecla, harpa y vihuela (Alcalá, 1557); Libro de Cifra Nueva
- Francisco CORREA DE ARAUXO (1584 – 1654) Facultad Orgánica (Alcalá, 1626)
- Canción llamada Gaybergier (Crecquillon)
- La muy célebre canción Susana (Orlando, Susanne un jour)
Location: KFK Hope
Speakers: Bernard Foccroulle & Luc Ponet
How do you construct a compelling concert program? Present it in an engaging way? Adapt it to suit the instrument? These are crucial aspects of a professional organist's craft, yet they are often overlooked in organ lessons.
In this interactive session, renowned and experienced concert organists Bernard Foccroulle and Luc Ponet will share valuable insights, tips, and tricks to master these essential skills. After their presentations, they will open the floor for a lively discussion, ready to answer your questions.
Location: KFK Hope
Speakers/Moderators: Marie Petit, Francesca Ajossa, Charlène Bertholet
At the last ECHO Academy in Leuven (February 2024), the foundation for the ECHO Young Community was laid. This session will begin with a brief presentation on the project’s evolution and the formation of the Young Ambassadors group.
Following the presentation, we will host a dynamic brainstorming session to explore ideas on how to further develop this community and identify ways for everyone to contribute.
Location: Riches-Claires - organ description
Organists: Kilian Homburg, Artur Szczerbinin, Francesca Ajossa & Fabrizio Guidi (ECHO Young Organist of the Year 2025)
Theme: Organ transcriptions
Location: KFK Hope
Contribution: €15/pp. - to be paid in advance to Leuven Orgelstad - ECHO: BE08 7320 7245 5213
Welcome walking-dinner for all Artistic Directors, Young Ambassacors and students.
A nice opportunity to connect with the ECHO Artistic Directors and fellow students in a warm and convivial setting.
Guide: Marc Vanscheeuwijck
Meeting point: rue du Chêne 17 (hall of the Royal Conservatory)
A renowned musicologist, Marc Vanscheeuwijck takes us on a special tour of Brussels, uncovering the city's artistic secrets.
Limited number of places: first come, first served
Location: rue des Halles 4 (Brucity)
Organists: Daniel Beilschmidt & Yoann Tardivel
Location: Manneken Pis
Make sure to there at 12h30, it's also the arrival point of the historical visit of the centre of Brussels.
Location: rue du Chène 17 (Auditorium Royal Conservatoire of Brussels)
Speakers/Moderators: Jean Ferrard (moderator), Artur Szczerbinin, Benoît Mernier, Luca Santesson, Lukas Arvidsson.
During this round table, we will explore the evolution of organ transcriptions, from the historical practice of intabulation to modern orchestration techniques. The discussion will feature a variety of perspectives and projects, including Benoît Mernier’s orchestration of Franck’s Second Chorale, Artur’s research into manuscripts and the tradition of intabulation, Luca Santesson's transcription of the music from Minecraft and adaptations of traditional music for the organ and other instruments. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in the conversation.
Location: Temple du Musée - organ description
Organist: Lukas Arvidsson & Didier François, nyckelharpa
The nyckelharpa, little known to the public, is a traditional string instrument, originating from Sweden. Didier François, a Belgian musician and nyckelharpa specialist, will join Lukas Arvidsson, organist and artistic director of ECHO in Lövstabruk (SE), for an exceptional concert. Together, they will take us on a journey through transcriptions of great works arranged for this unique combination, as well as Swedish folk tunes. A concert not to be missed! Entry by free donation.
Location: foodmarket The Wolf
On Saturday evening, we will book a table at The Wolf for dinner with the participants (at your own expense).
Afterwards, we have planned a special activity; more information will follow soon.
Location: Rue Montagne de la Cour
Guide: Jean Ferrard.
Price: Student €8 (price still TBC - we might get a lower price or free entry)
Location: Church of Our Lady of Victories at the Sablon - organ description
Teachers: Jean Ferrard & Benoît Mernier
A short presentation of the organ scene in Brussels during the seventeenth century, with focus on two of the best-known composers active at the court of Archdukes Albert and Isabella and of Leopold-Wilhelm. The chosen works to study will allow to discuss the main characteristics of their styles, and their adaptation to the specific organ of the Sablon as well as looking for solutions to some textual questions.
Repertoire to prepare:
- Peeter Cornet: Salve Regina (5 verses), ed. Pieter Dirksen & Jean Ferrard, Monumenta Musica Neerlandica XVII, Utrecht, Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, 2001, p. 50-59.
- Abraham Van Den Kerckhoven: Preludium [360], ed. Jean Ferrard, ECHOM 1, Bologna, Ur Orpheus, 2018, p. 363-369 & one or two of the Versus 1mi toni [47-68], ibidem, p. 33-44.
Location: Couvent Saint Dominique - Dominicains - organ description
Organists: TBD
Location: Couvent Saint Dominique - Dominicains - organ description
Teachers: Elias Praxmarer & Yoann Tardivel
During this masterclass, we will delve into the art of transcription, exploring its main goals and addressing the challenges involved. We will also compare transcriptions of the same piece created by different composers. Additionally, we will discuss the process of creating personal transcriptions based on original scores.
Repertoire to prepare:
- pieces of Bach transcribed by Karg Elert of Reger
- transcriptions from William Best (Mozart KV 546, Beethoven Allegretto de la Symphonie VII op 92 and Schumann final op 52)
- Fugue and Magnificat from the Symphony arranged by Liszt
- Orpheus (3 different transcriptions Liszt/Guillou/Robilliard)
- La prédication aux oiseaux by Liszt arranged by Saint Saens
- Saint François de Paule marchant sur les flots by Liszt (3 different transcriptions Reger/Rogg/Robilliard)
- organ transcriptions by Jean Guillou (Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition and Prokofiev's Toccata Op.11)
- Prélude from Tristan by Wagner (2 transcriptions by Gottschalg and by Lemare)
- Isolde’s death by Lemare
- excerpts from Franck Operas Hilda and Ghiselle arranged by Tournemire
- Fauré Pelleas et Melisande transcribed by Robilliard (prelude also transcribed by Duruflé)
- the most recent transcription of Ravel’s Mother Goose by Thomas Ospital
- all Wagner transcriptions from Edwin Lemare, in particular Tannhäuser (interesting to compare with the Liszt transcription)
- the whole set of Liszt transcriptions (Bach - "Einleitung und Fuge aus BWV 21", Mozart Ave Verum, Chopin Préludes, Verdi Requiem - Agnus Die, etc.)
- Bruckner transcriptions by Erwin Horn, Eberhard Klotz, Thomas Schmögner
- the whole set of Reger transcriptions (especially works by Bach).
Location: Church of Our Lady of Finisterrae - organ description
Organists: Daniel Beilschmidt & Yoann Tardivel
Practical information
Deadline to register is December 31 using this form.
The registration fee for all the masterclasses is €100 total, with the possibility to get a grant.
For accommodation, we offer the possibility to find an host family for you during the length of your stay in Brussels. We will do our best to find a family for everyone but we will work on a first come, first served basis. Priority will be given to the organists coming from a foreign country. If you prefer another type of accommodation (hotel, youth hostel, etc), this will come at your own costs.
Access to all the concerts and the discussion sessions/round tables organised during the ECHO days is free of charge. Daily meals and travels are at the cost and the responsibility of the participant.
Info and contact: