Freiberg - DE

City member


„GLÜCK AUF“ – This is how the miners of Freiberg greeted each other: With a wish for each other’s good luck and good fortune. Good fortune in finding rich veins of silver, and good luck in returning safely from their mines. The traditions of over 850 years of silver and ore mining let the “Miners Greeting” echo loudly in Freiberg today – and every day.
The mining tradition and the customs that go with it are deeply anchored here, and can be experienced by every visitor. Traditional Miners’ and Smelters’ parades can be seen, in which hundreds of uniformed miners march through the streets of the “Silver City”. A visit to the renowned Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg and the “terra mineralia”, one of the biggest mineral exhibitions in the world with over 3,500 exhibits, is also an unforgettable experience. The townhouses in the old city centre from the late Middle Ages with their richly decorated portals still bear witness today to the great wealth that silver mining brought to Freiberg.
Silver (German: ‘Silber’) even played a special musical role – at least when we speak about the world-famous Gottfried Silbermann organs. With their unique sound, they draw music-lovers and organists from around the world to the Cathedral of St. Mary and the Petrikirche in Freiberg.
Be invited to visit one of the most beautiful cities in Saxony, rich in tradition and full of culture.

Glück auf!

City Representative: PETER KUBISCH (email)

Artistic Directors: ALBRECHT KOCH (email) & CLEMENS LUCKE (email)

Sven Krüger


XVII Int. Gottfried Silbermann Competition

September 6-14, 2025


Masterclass on Silbermann organs

Freiberg, September 6-7


Kilian Homburg

XVI International Gottfried Silbermann Organ Competition


The Organs

Artistic Directors

Multimedia library

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