Albrecht Koch

Albrecht Koch

ALBRECHT KOCH, born in 1976 in Dresden, comes from the tradition of the Dresdner Kreuzchor. He studied sacred music and choral conucting in Leipzig. His teachers Arvid Gast, Martin Schmeding and Morten Schuldt-Jensen. Courses with personalities such as Roy Goodman, Ewald Koiman, Lars Ulrik Mortensen and Hans Fagius complemented his studies. Since 2008 Koch has been Cathedral music director and cathedral organist in Freiberg, Saxony, where he is entrusted with the organ of 1714 from Gottfried Silbermann’s organ workshop, one of the most important Baroque instruments of the baroque period. He has met with manifold recognition for his discovery and revival of forgotten works from Saxony’s music history. With his Freiberg Cathedral Music Ensemble and chordae freybergensis he also explores the original sound of the Renaissance preserved to the present day in the form of the angel instruments in the burial chapel of the Wettin family in the Freiberg Cathedral. Since 2010 Albrecht Koch has been the president of the Gottfried Silbermann International Society. He serves as the artistic director of the renowned music festival Silbermann-Tage held every two years and of the Gottfried Silbermann International Organ Competition. With respect to the dramaturgical design of these events, Koch attaches importance to varied programs and constantly sheds light on the manifold character of organ music and of Silbermann’s organ designs from many new sides. He represents the city of Freiberg as an artistic director in the European Cities of Historical Organs (ECHO). Along with his musical activity at the cathedral, Albrecht Koch regularly concertizes in Germany and throughout Europe. He is regularly invited to be a juror at major international organ competitions. His other activities cover a spectrum including radio, CD and film productions.

Clemens Lucke
Clemens Lucke