Alberto Gaspardo

Young ECHO Organist of the Year 2023

Alberto Gaspardo

The interpretations of Alberto Gaspardo convinced the jury the most. The jury consisted of jury chairman Reinhard Jaud (A-Innsbruck) and his colleagues Magdalena Hasibeder (A-Vienna), Brett Leighton (A-Kobersdorf), Pieter van Dijk (NL-Alkmaar), Wolfgang Zerer (D-Elmshorn) and Jörg-Andreas Bötticher (CH-Basel). Second place went to Susanna Soffiantini, and third place was shared by Giulia Ricci and Giulio De Nardo.

For this year's competition, applications were received from 30 participants. 25 organists were admitted to the competition. The candidates came from Japan, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, Poland, England, Slovenia, Switzerland and Austria.
Competition directors in 2022 were Michael Schöch and Elias Praxmarer.

Alberto Gaspardo (°1990, I-Pordenone) studied in Italy and Switzerland: 

  • Scuola di Musica Gandino, I-Porcia, 1994/2009: Daniele Toffolo, organ
  • Conservatorio Tomadini; I-Udine, 2014/2017: Luca Antoniotti, Bachelor Diploma Organ
  • Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, CH-Basel, 2017/2019: Wolfgang Zerer, Master Diploma Organ
  • Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, since 2019: Jörg-Andreas Bötticher, basso continuo and ensemble conducting

He is already a laureate of Italian and international competitions:

  • 1st prize at the Rino Benedet National Organ Competition in I-Bibione 2016)
  • finalist at the Camponeschi - Carafa International Organ Competition in I-Montorio al Vomano 2016
  • 1st prize in organ at the Premio Nazionale delle Arti (National Competition of the Arts) announced by the Italian Federal Ministry of Public Education, University and Research in 2017
  • 3rd prize at the Daniel Herz International Organ Competition in I-Bressanone 2018
  • 2nd prize at the Sweelinck International Organ Competition in NL-Amsterdam/Haarlem 2019

He has recorded two CDs for the SFB label.
He is the titulaire at the Heilig Geist Church in CH-Suhr. He is the conductor of the choir of the Abbey of Santa Maria in Sylvis in Sesto al Reghena and artistic director of the Festival organistico sestense (Italy).

American Guild of Organists