Chiesa di San Nicolò Treviso
Organ details
The first organ was already present in S. Nicolò in 1368, the year in which it was repaired; in 1403 a new organ was built by Nicolao ab organis de Alemania. In 1597 Vincenzo Colonna replaced the old 15th century organ with a new one for which the case and choir loft still existing today were built. Lastly, the instrument currently fitted inside the 16th century case was built between 1778 and 1779 by Gaetano Callido, the most famous 18th century Venetian organ-builder. The organ has reached our times almost intact. Its appearance was not altered to any great extent by operations carried out during the 19th century; in 1975–1977 it was restored to its original condition by the organ-builder Franz Zanin from Camino al Tagliamento (Udine).
Multimedia library
I. Positivo C, D, E, F, G, A-d3 | II. Organo Primo (Great Organ) C, D, E, F, G, A-d3 | ||||
Voce Umana Flauto in VIII bassi Flauto in VIII soprani Flauto in XII Cornetta Tromboncini bassi Tromboncini soprani Principale bassi [8’] Principale soprani Ottava Quintadecima Decimanona Vigesimaseconda Violetta bassi [4’] | Principale Bassi [12’] Principale Soprani Ottava Quintadecima Decimanona Vigesimasesta Vigesimanona Trigesimaterza [up to f] Trigesimasesta [up to c] Contrabbassi Ottava di Contrabbassi Duodecima di contrabbassi Voce Umana Flauto in VIII bassi Flauto in VIII soprani Flauto in XII Cornetta Tromboncini bassi Tromboncini soprani Violoncello bassi Violoncello soprani Tromboni al pedale | Accessories: Unione manuali (Manual coupler) Terza mano (sounding one octave higher) Two handle Tiratutti (one for each keyboard) Mechanical traction. Window console. Unequal temperament. Pitch: a1 = 433,3 Hz at 10,6 C° Division bass/treble: a / b flat |
Two manuals with 59 keys (C-d4): Grand’Organo sounding real 12’ from F, with short octave; Positive, sounding real 8’ from C, with short octave.
Pedalboard with 24 keys (C-b; real extension of 12 tones C-B) always coupled to the Organo Primo.