St. Bartholomew's church Altenburg

Organ details


After having had its impressive climax in the late baroque era (Trost, Silbermann, and others), Friedrich Ladegast from Weißenfels became the next pioneer in organ building in Germany. His organs not only mark the way into a new era of organ building but are also closely linked to the most important organ compositions of the 19th century.

Whereas Friedrich Ladegasts’s instruments represent the epoch of early Romantic, the “Fernwerk” that was added later appears as a testimony of the very last innovations of Romantic organ building processes.

After several alterations, Ladegast’s precious instrument in St Bartholonew’s church is in a very poor condition at the moment. But as the remaining originals parts are in good state, an extensive reconstruction is aspired and looks promising.

  • 1881: Friedrich Ladegast completes the organ with 40 stops on three manuals and pedal
  • WW I: disassembling of most front pipes for military purposes, the front pipes of the “Oberwerk” remained and therefore are of outstanding importance
  • 1919: zinc pipes were installed to replace the original tin front pipes
  • 1922: the “Fernwerk” was added by the company Jehmlich
  • 1949: tonal transformation matching neo-baroque's ideals. Replacement of the mechanical action by an electro-pneumatic action

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I. Hauptwerk
II. Oberwerk
III. Brustwerk
III. Fernwerk
Prinzipal 16
Prinzipal 8
Gedackt 8
Oktave 4
Gemshorn 4
Pommer 4
Quinte 2 2⁄3
Oktave 2
Blockflöte 2
Terz 1 3⁄5
Mixtur 1 1⁄3 IV
Zimbel 1⁄2 III
Trompete 8
Quintade 16
Prinzipal 8
Gemshorn 8
Rohrflöte 8
Oktave 4
Gedackt 4
Nasard 2 2⁄3
Waldflöte 2
Sesquialtera 2 2⁄3 II
Scharff 1 IV
Regal 8
Quintade 8
Rohrflöte 4
Spitzflöte 2
Quinte 1 1⁄3
Sifflet 1
Gedackt 8
Fl. Traverso 8
Geigenprinz. 4
Oktave 2
Untersatz 32
Prinzipal 16
Subbass 16
Oktavbass 8
Bassflöte 8
Quintbass 5 1⁄3
Oktavbass 4
Nachthorn 2
Mixtur 2 IV
Posaune 16
Trompete 8
(italic = not original)


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