Church Saint-Exupère Toulouse
Organ details
The current organ is remarkable for its 27 stops spread over 3 manuals of 56 notes and pedal, i.e. around 1,500 pipes. It was built in 1887 by Théodore Puget.
It was originally the very first organ built by Théodore Puget, in 1842, when he was a representative of the Milacor factory in Paris. The organ was first enlarged in 1866 by the organbuilders Gracien & Paulinier, but remained unfinished following Gracien's death.
Poirier & Lieberknecht were commissioned to finish the organ, which was then almost entirely rebuilt in 1870. Puget took over the organ in 1886, modified the action and completely reharmonised it, so that its sound characteristics are typical of what Puget was doing at the time, despite the fact that two-thirds of the stops are by Poirier. There is a very good match between the building (and its acoustics) and the organ. The late Romantic repertoire sounds very good.
Multimedia library
Accompagnement C-g3 | Grand Orgue C-g3 | Récit expr. C-g3 | Pédalier C-f1 | |
Bourdon 16 (GO) Montre 8 (GO) Salicional 8 (GO) Flûte harmonique 8 (GO) Bourdon 8 (GO) Prestant 4 (GO) Clarinette 8 (GO) | Bourdon 16 Montre 8 Salicional 8 Flûte harmonique 8 Bourdon 8 Prestant 4 Doublette 2 Plein jeu IV Trompette harmonique 8 Clairon 4 | Flûte harmonique 8 Kéraulophone 8 Viole de gambe 8 Voix céleste 8 Flûte octaviante 4 Octavin 2 Trompette 8 Basson-Hautbois 8 Voix humaine 8 Clairon 4 | Contrebasse 16 Flûte 8 Bombarde 16 Trompette 8 | Orage Tirasses G.O., Réc. Anches Péd., G.O., Réc. Expression Réc. Appel G.O. Réc. / G.O. Réc. / Accompagnement Octaves graves Réc. Trémolo Réc. |
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