Castle Church Altenburg
Organ details
Tobias Gottfried Heinrich Trost’s organ in the castle church of Altenburg forms – together with other remaining organs by Trost – the climax of baroque organ building in Thuringia. This organ represents a unique world of sound. The organ is thoroughly connected to Johann Sebastian Bach, who was rooted in this special tradition of building organs in Thuringia. This tradition of organ building in Thuringia is clearly different from the one in Northern Germany as from Gottfried Silbermann’s style of organ building. Bach’s ideal of Thuringian organ building is uniquely visible in Altenburg.
- 1735–1739: Trost, organ builder at the court of Altenburg, constructed the great organ
at the castle church. - 1737: Silbermann visits the building site and speaks in high terms of organ and organ builder.
- 1739: Johann Sebastian Bach visits the completed organ. His appreciation provides importance
to the instrument until today. - Late 19th century: Extensions and alterations depart the sound and technical construction
from its original though about 70 % of its original parts remained. - 1974–1976: Reconstruction initiated by Dr. Felix Friedrich (former organist at Trost organ) and implemented by organ building company Eule from Bautzen, Germany. It is since then that this cultural heritage of international charisma is available again in its original form.
Multimedia library
I. Hauptwerk C-c3 | II.Oberwerk C-c3 | Pedal C-c1 | ||
Groß Quintadena 16 * Flaute traverse 16 * Principal 8 Bordun 8 * Spitzflöte 8 Viol di Gamba 8 Rohrflöte 8 Octave 4 * Kleingedackt 4 Quinte 3 Superoctava 2 Blockflöte 2 Sesquialtera II Mixtur 2 VI-IX * Trompete 8 Glockenspiel c1-c3 Tremulant | Geigenprincipal 8 Lieblich Gedackt 8 Vugara 8 Quintadena 8 Hohlflöte 8 Gemshorn 4 Flaute douce 4 II Nasat 3 Octave 2 Waldflöte 2 Superoctava 1 Cornet V Mixtur 2 IV-V Vox humana 8 Tremulant | Principalbaß 16 Violonbaß 16 Subbaß 16 Octavenbaß 8 Posaune 32 Posaune 16 Trompete 8 5 Transmissions from HW (*) | PED + HW HW + OW Temperament: Neidhardt I a1 = 468 Hz |
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