Dominicans Brussels
Organ details
Upon request by the Dominican Fathers in 1000 Brussels, the Van Bever Brothers organ builders constructed an original three-manual organ with independent pedal in 1909-1910.
The reasons for choosing the Van Bever brothers could be the following: the Van Bever workshops were located nearby, in Laeken, and they had already built many instruments in the Brussels area. By 1910, the workshop’s reputation was well established; they no longer needed to prove their expertise in the field. Indeed, at that time, Salomon Van Bever was at the peak of his achievements. Finally, the Dominican Fathers already had a smaller Van Bever organ in their convent at La Sarte (Huy), which may explain their trust in the firm.
The organ was built during a relatively prosperous period. From the opening of the church in 1905, the liturgical celebrations were accompanied by a choir, supported by a harmonium until 1910. Given the size of the church and the growing number of faithful, the harmonium no longer met the needs.
Under the high patronage of Princess Elisabeth of Belgium, a committee of friends of the organ was established to raise funds. Princess E. de Ligne served as honorary president. Professor Alphonse Mailly, principal organist of the King and a professor at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, as well as a renowned advisor at the time, was appointed as advisor for the Dominicans’ organ. Edgard Tinel, director of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, approved the project. The organ was completed in the spring of 1910 and was inaugurated on May 11, 1910, by Alphonse Mailly.
Multimedia library
Grand-Orgue C-g3 | Positif C-g3 | Récit C-g3 | Pédale C-f1 | |
Bourdon 16 Montre 8 Gambe 8 Flûte Harmon. 8 Prestant 4 Flûte 4 Fourniture III-V Cornet V Trompette 8 Clairon 4 | Quintaton 16 Principal 8 Cor de Nuit 8 Salicional 8 Voix Céleste 8 Flute Douce 4 Flageolet 2 Carillon Clarinette 8 | Bourdon 16 Flute Traversière 8 Bourdon 8 Violon 8 Flute Octave 4 Quinte 2 2/3 Octavin 2 Tierce 1 3/5 Voix Humaine 8 Basson Hautbois 8 Trompette Harmon. 8 | Contre Basse 16 Soubasse 16 Flûte 8 Violoncelle 8 Bombarde 16 | Positif - Grande Orgue Récit - Grande Orgue Récit - Positif Octave Grave Récit Tirasse Grande Orgue Tirasse Positif Tirasse Récit Trémolo Anches Grande Orgue Anches Positif Anches Récit |
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