Chiesa di Santa Bona Treviso
Organ details
Located in a large choir loft above the main door and enclosed in a decorated wooden case, with its cusp face with wings arranged in one span, this organ has the appearance of an antique Italian organ. However, the console, stops disposion and sound are those of an organ which is mainly influenced by antique German organs, particularly those by Gottfried Silbermann, therefore mainly suitable to perform German baroque pieces and Bach’s. The instrument was built in 1988 by Franz Zanin of Camino al Tagliamento.
Multimedia library
I Grand'Organo C-a3 | II Positivo C-a3 | Pedale C-f1 | |
Bordone 16 (from c) Principale 8 Flauto a camino 8 Viola da gamba 8 Ottava 4 Flauto a cuspide 4 Decima quinta 2 Quinta 1 1/3 Mistura IV Tromba 8 | Quintadena 8 Bordone 8 Principale 4 Flauto a camino 4 Nazardo 2 2/3 Ottava 2 Flauto 2 Terza 1 3/5 Cimbalo III Dulciana 8 | Subbasso 16 Principale 8 Ottava 4 Mistura IV Trombone 16 Tromba 8 Clarone 4 | G.O. - Pos. G.O. - Ped. Pos. - Ped. Tremolo generale |