Chiesa Arcipretale di San Michele Arcangelo Treviso
Organ details
The organ was built by Andrea Zeni of Tesero (TN) in 1999 to commemorate the one hundred years death of Cavaillé-Coll and is the first of this kind in Italy.
Against the left wall of the church inside the niche of a lateral altar, the organ stands out for its novel appearance, the articulation of its face, the structure, the blend of sound and the technical solutions that have been strongly inspired by 19th century French models, particulary by Cavaillé-Coll and Puget.
Multimedia library
Grand-Orgue C-a3 | Récit C-a3 | Pédale C-f1 |
Bourdon 16 Montre 8 Salicional 8 Flûte Harmonique 8 Bourdon 8 Prestant 4 Flûte douce 4 Doublette 2* Plein Jeu Harm. II-V* Cornet V* Basson 16* Trompette 8* Clairon 4* Copula Grand-Orgue Copula Récit/Grand-Orgue Octaves graves Grand-Orgue Appel anches Grand-Orgue* | Flûte traversière 8 Viole de gambe 8 Voix céleste 8 Flûte octaviante 4 Nasard 2 2/3 Octavin 2* Trompette Harm. 8* Basson-Hautbois 8 Voix Humaine 8* Octaves graves Récit Appel anches Récit* | Flûte 16 Flûte 8 Bombarde 16* Trompette 8* P + I P + II Appel anches Pédale* |