Marie Petit

Marie Petit is currently pursuing her Master's degree in organ at the LUCA School of Arts, Lemmens campus in Leuven, under the guidance of Luc Ponet. She enhances her education by regularly participating in masterclasses with notable professors such as Benoît Mernier, Benjamin Steens, Johannes Ebenbauer, and Karol Mossakowski. Simultaneously, Marie is working on a PhD within the “Production and Logistics” research group at the Faculty of Economics and Business at KU Leuven.

Marie is the titular organist in the parishes of Philippeville and Lonzée and frequently performs, both as a soloist and with other musicians. In January 2023, she founded the non-profit organization Philanthr’Orgues, with the aim of acquiring a new organ for the church in Philippeville and subsequently organizing concerts and events with this instrument. Marie is actively involved in organizing activities and concerts related to organ culture in Leuven (Leuven Orgelstad). She is also one of the founders and coordinators of Baroque & More, an international music collective that focuses on the many facets of Baroque music.