Clemens Lucke

Albrecht Koch is from now on assisted by Clemens Lucke as Artistic Director Freiberg. We give him a warm welcome.

Clemens Lucke studied churchmusic and organ at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater „Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy“ Leipzig with Stefan Engels, Matthias Maierhofer, Daniel Beilschmidt, David Timm und Thomas Lennartz.
From 2008 till 2012 he was artistic assistant of David Timm in the university choir in Leipzig.
Since 2013 he is cantor and organist at the Petrikirche Freiberg with the famous Silbermann-organ from 1735. In the following year he was appointed to vice-president of the Gottfried-Silbermann-society.
Beside his classical tasks, one of his passion is the accompaniment of silent movies. With this he is often been seen doing this at the historic Welte-Cinema-Organ from 1929 at the Grassi-Museum Leipzig.

Quentin du Verdier