
12 Articles
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The story of the panels
Frank van Wijk talks about the panels and plays "The general rejoicing" of "The Combat between David and Goliath" of Johann Kuhnau (1660-1772). Trailer for the Organ Festival Holland 2023: Liberation of Alkmaar 450 years ago.
Monday Lunchtime Concerts in Brussels
33 concerts on the 1856 Loret organ in Brussels are added to our Event page.
Concerts in Wilten Basilica
Six concerts on the 1894 Reinisch organ in Wilten Basilica are added to our Event page.
And 2 more new videos to enjoy!
Bernardo Dipilato & Maurizio Croci
Treviso on Organroxx Radio
Enjoy the organs of Treviso on!
XVIth International Gottfried Silbermann Organ Competition
Deadline for applications is April 30, 2023!!
First CD of Quentin Du Verdier
ECHO Young Organist 2022
2 new videos to enjoy!
Elizaveta Lobonova & Marian Polin
24 hrs of music in Leuven
Free entrance
Altenburg joins ECHO!
ECHO keeps growing. After Leuven, Altenburg becomes a full member of ECHO.
Silbermann SoundWalk
3 live streams in Freiberg
Fribourg Organ Scholarship
Closing date is March 1st 2023!